Closed for admission

Chalmers School: Quantum thermodynamics meets quantum transport

We organize a school on quantum thermodynamics at the interface with quantum transport in Chalmers in Göteborg, Sweden from the 11th to the 15th of November 2024. 


Closed for admission
  • Date:Starts 11 November 2024, 09:00Ends 15 November 2024, 17:30
  • Location:
    Luftbryggan, MC2
  • Language:English
  • Last sign up date:15 September 2024
Sign up (Opens in new tab)

A list of lecturers and the featured topics can be found below, as well as a tentative timetable. The lectures are aimed mainly at PhD students or master students, but can also be of interest for PostDocs and researchers. There will be a poster session to which everyone is encouraged to contribute. In addition, there will be parallel journal club sessions, about selected papers from the lecturers.

Full participation at the school corresponds to 3 ECTS. This entails the active participation at all lectures and exercise sessions, as well as the preparation of at least one of the proposed papers enabling an active participation in the respective journal club session. Also, the presentation of a poster during the poster session is part of the 3 ECTS.

There are no fees for participation at the school, but acceptance of your application is required to attend. Coffee and snack during breaks will be provided, however, there will be no support for housing or meals.

The maximum number of participants is 45. Applications from students and early-stage researchers, who can participate during the entire school and who will present a poster will be favored.

If you need support for child care, please contact us and we will try to find a solution (Read about Chalmers family room.)

Accommodations are self-organized, but here are some possible suggestions: Hotel LorensbergHotel RoyalHotel Poseidon - Gothenburg; and Göteborg Hostel. We recommend booking after you have been accepted to the school, as we will be able to provide you with a discount code for these accommodation options.

Confirmed Lecturers:

Armin Tavakoli, Lund University: "Quantum resource theories"

Géraldine Haack, University of Geneva: "Entanglement generation in open quantum systems"

Patrick Potts, Basel University: "Master equation approach for quantum thermodynamics"

Marcello Andolina, Collège de France: "Quantum Batteries"

Fabienne Michelini, Aix-Marseille University: "Green's function approach to quantum thermodynamics"

Olivier Maillet, CEA Saclay: "Thermodynamics experiments in quantum circuits"

Clemens Winkelmann, Université Grenoble-Alpes: "Thermodynamics experiments in quantum circuits"

The program may be subject to change. 

Program Qtdschool (Opens in new tab)
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