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Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology Industrial workshop

The workshop aims at gathering the industrial and academic communities involved in WACQT, as well as other non-WACQT industry, interested in knowing more about WACQT and quantum technology.


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The program offers a variety of different flavors, from a status update of the WACQT program to thematic talks in subjects of relevance to industry.

It includes updates about ongoing national quantum initiatives, such as the newly started WACQT testbed, where Swedish companies and researchers can test both quantum algorithms and hardware, and the NQCIS, and the National Quantum Communication Infrastructure in Sweden (NQCIS), as well as information on how to interact with WACQT and a poster session of the ongoing industrial projects.

There will also be lots of time and opportunities to network and interact with other participants.

The day will end with a dinner (optional) offering even more time to network.

09.30 – 10.00Registration
10.00 – 10.05Welcome adress, Per Delsing/Chalmers
10.05 – 10.25WACQT update, Göran Johansson/Chalmers
10.25 – 10.35WACQT - partnership offer, Cristina Andersson/Chalmers
10.35 – 10.50Quantum test beds, Miroslav Dobsicek/ CNL,Chalmers
10.50 – 11.20Break
11.20 – 11.35IBM Innovation centre, Mikael Haglund and Voica Radesco/IBM
11.35 – 11.50NQCIS - National Quantum Communication Infrastructure in Sweden, Katia Gallo/KTH
11.50 – 12.00QSIP - Quantum Sweden Innovation Platform, Johan Felix/CIT
12.00 – 12.10Saab: sharing experiences, Maria Lanne/Saab
12.10 – 12.30Industrial PhD student presentation relay race
12.30 – 13.40Lunch
13.40 – 14.00Quantum sensing, Stefan Kröll/Lund University
14.00 – 14.15Use case, Robert Jonsson/SAAB
14.15 – 14.35Quantum communication, Katia Gallo/KTH
14.35 – 14.50

Use case, Jiaying Yang/Ericsson
Title: Towards Distributed Quantum Computing with superconducting qubits
14.50 – 15.20Break
15.20 – 15.40Quantum optimisation, Peter Sutton/Jeppesen
15.40 – 15.55Use case, Laura Garcia Alvarez/Chalmers
15.55 – 16.15

Quantum chemistry, Arseny Kovyrshin/AstraZeneca
Title: Prospects of Quantum Computing in Pharma
16.15 – 16.30

Use case, Martin Rahm/Chalmers
Title: The Electron Density as a Fidelity Witness of Quantum Computation
16.30 – 16.50Quantum computing, Jonas Bylander/Chalmers
16.50 – 16.55Last remarks, Cristina Andersson/Chalmers
16.55 – 18.30Mingle, poster session and visits to the lab (quantum computer)
18.30 –Dinner at Wijkanders