AI Ethics with David Wood.
- Date:Starts 30 January 2024, 13:15Ends 30 January 2024, 14:15
- Location:Online, Zoom
- Language:English
- Last sign up date:30 January 2024

Abstract, David Wood:
AI is likely to become more capable more quickly than most people expect. However, the public discussion about scenarios for the future of AI is often stuck in an unproductive impasse. This talk suggests how to unblock that logjam. It goes on to outline a roadmap toward what has been called BGI, namely beneficial general intelligence.
David Wood was a pioneer of the mobile computing and smartphone industries, co-founding Symbian in 1998. He is the author or co-author of 12 books about the future, including The Singularity Principles, Vital Foresight, and Smartphones and Beyond. As chair of London Futurists, he has organized over 300 public meetings on technoprogressive topics since 2008. He sits on the boards of the LEV Foundation and the IEET, and is foresight advisor at SingularityNET.