The TESCAN GAIA3 integrates a field emission SEM with a FIB. The SEM unit is equipped with detectors for secondary and backscattered electron imaging. The ion column uses a Ga liquid ion metal source (LMIS) and a set of electrostatic lenses for bombarding the target material with a focused ion-beam for material removal or deposition. The instrument is also equipped with a Gas Injection System (GIS) for deposition of Pt, XeF2, carbon, water and also an Omniprobe for TEM thin foil extraction. The GAIA3 has a low vacuum mode, however FIB imaging and milling is only permitted in the high vacuum mode.

The GAIA3 is equipped with an Oxford X-Max 80 mm2 detector for EDX analysis and a NordlysNano Camera for EBSD analysis. Combined with a sequential cutting and recording procedure this allows for simultaneous 3D EDX and EBSD mapping of a sample.

A Leica VCT500 cryo set facilitates transfer of cryo cooled samples to the GAIA for cryo in situ TEM specimen preparation.

Kleindiek micromanipulators are also available supporting electrical and force measurements

Instrument data

  • Ga ion source
  • Operating voltage: 0.5 kV to 30 kV
  • Currents: 1 pA to 60 nA


  • Field emission gun
  • Operating voltages: 500 V (20 V with beam deceleration) to 30 kV
  • Resolution: 0.7 nm at 15kV

Contact persons

Stefan Gustafsson
  • Senior Research Engineer, CMAL, Physics
Ludvig de Knoop
  • Senior Research Engineer, CMAL, Physics