About Classic

Classic (Chalmers-Lund Advanced Semiconductor System Design Center) is a joint venture between Chalmers University of Technology, Lund University, Acconeer, Axis Communications, Codasip, Ericsson, GlobalFoundries, Saab and Qamcom.

With expertise from all levels in semiconductor system design, the center will conduct research and offer education to pave the way for a new generation of chip designers and make Sweden a strong player in the field.

Scientific Advisory Committee Members 

The International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB) for Classic consists of:

Professor Cristina Silvano
Chair of Computer Science and Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Professor Sofie Pollin
Director of Networked Systems Group, KU Leuven, Belgium

Professor Hua Wang
Director of Integrated Devices, Electronics, and Systems Group at ETH-Zürich, Switzerland


The Classic vision is to capitalize on world-leading experience in semiconductor system design to enable energy-efficient semiconductor systems through an interdisciplinary approach with a potentially dramatic impact on product and system performance.

Changed reality of semiconductor economics and energy cost functions, which face extreme data rates and computational requirements, demands a multi-disciplinary, open-box design approach. This challenges traditional boundaries be-tween involved engineering disciplines. Novel architectures and co-optimization strategies are key to realizing the benefits of this approach.


The Classic mission is to strengthen and position the Swedish capability, primarily the Swedish competence base, in semiconductor enabled system design.

The two strongest Swedish universities in silicon-enabled systems will create a new excellence hub with an internationally leading position. Demand for ever more complex products/systems with ever-increasing data rates calls for engineers able to design the supporting semiconductor systems. Furthermore, these semiconductor systems constitute an increasing part of the intellectual property generated when developing industrial systems/products, compelling the industry to define this capability as an in-house, core competence.

The center will educate the educators demanded for this task. This is facilitated in the center through strong support from leading Swedish and international industries, forming a complete value chain supporting products/systems (Acconeer, Axis, Ericsson, Qamcom, Saab) from semiconductor technology and IP providers (Global Foundries and Codasip) via the proposed research.