WISE-WACQT Mentorship Program

The WISE-WACQT Mentorship Program is an initiative that aims at providing support for female scientists working as PhD students or post-docs at the E2 department or WACQT​, or PhD students within Nano Area of Advance, through mentorship. The idea is to provide a one-to-one connection between junior and senior scientists working at different departments at Chalmers.

Mentorship Program will foster opportunities to exchange ideas, discuss challenges, obtain career coaching, as well as having a possibility to report difficulties and problems in case of need. The program is supported by the Gender Initiative for Excellence at Chalmers - GENIE.

The organisers

WISE - Workforce for Inclusive SciencE is a supportive network aiming to promote a gender inclusive academia. The network is hosted and financially supported by the Department of Electrical Engineering (E2) at Chalmers.

EDI-WACQT - Equality, diversity, and inclusion in WACQT​ is an initiative within the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology that aims at raising awareness on the gender imbalance within academia and at supporting the career of women and gender non-conforming scientists in the WACQT community.

Who can benefit from the program?

The mentorship program is dedicated to female scientists working as PhD students or post-docs at the E2 department or WACQT​, or PhD students within Nano Area of Advance, through mentorship.

Information for mentors and mentees

Guidelines for mentors and mentees and further information on the program are available on Canvas.

Canvas: Learning management system
Canvas: Learning management systemIn Canvas you will find homepages for all of your courses as well as a homepage for your programme.

The mentorship program in media

  • Read the article about the start of the mentorship program

Mentorship Programs that inspired us